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Development activities in the field of agriculture are planned based on national requirement and in line with the integrate approach. Making arrangements to implement those plans through Departments and Institutions affiliated to the Ministry, provision of necessary guidance, review of financial and physical progress in keeping with provisions allocated are performed by the Planning Division which include;



  • Obtain new project proposals through all institutions of the Ministry before the end of July every year, development of those proposals as required by the Department of National Budget and submit successful proposal to the Department of National Planning and the National Budget Department with the approval of the Secretary.
  • Obtain and revise project proposal form the relevant departmentsinstitutions to be implemented in line with the annual budget proposals (budget speech made annually in Parliament) depending on the provisions allocated to the Ministry for the relevant year and submit the same to the National Budget Department and the Department of National Planning for recommendations approval and cocoordinating all activities relating to the allocation of provision.
  • Submission of annual action plan to be prepared in keeping with provisions allocated by the General Treasury for year through Annual Budget proposals for approval of the SecretaryTo make aware of revisions and submission of annual plans approval by the Ministry to the Department of National Planning and the National Budget Department. Similarly coordinating with institutions Connecters with the implementation of above action plans.
  • Obtain progress reports in relation to the implementation of action plans on monthly, quarterly and annual base, and review of the progress of department programmes monthly/ quarterlyConduct progress review of development programmes as against quality financialphysical targets of annual action plans.
  • Submission of monthlyquarterly progress of the Ministry and Departments Institution operating under its preview to Department of Project Management Ministry of policy planning, cachets of Ministers and the presidential secants.
  • Preparation of publicationsprogress of programmes projects of the year and performance report in all three languages and submission of the same.
  • Prepare and Submit reports in all three languages required by parliamentary committees/committees Meeting (Public Accounts Committees Sect oral overnighter Committee meeting formulation of result – bases monitoring and evolution farm work and submission of quarterly progress to project supervision Department.
  • Provide Data and Information requested by the Department of Information, central banks and other state institutions.
  • Directing all development programmes towards achieving vision, mission and objectives of the Ministry.



Main Programs


Agriculture Division

1. Special Program for Food Security and Technology
2. Strengthening Agricultural & Fisheries Modernization Board
3. Implementation of National Agricultural Research Plan with Universities
4. Repairing and Procurement of Equipment for National Plant Quarantine Service (JICA)
5. Upgrading of Testing Facilities at the National Plant Quarantine Station
6. Government Contribution for Crop Insurance


Rural Economic Division

7. Additional Crop Cultivation Program
8. Livelihood Development through Goat Farming
9. Establishment of Economic Centers


Livestock Division

10. Establishment of Animal Breeder Farms
11. Development of Small and Medium Scale Livestock Development


Foreign Funded Projects

12. Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP)
13. Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP)
14. Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Program (SAPP)
15. Smallholder Agribusiness Resilience Project (SARP)
16. Development of Mini Dairy Cooperative Societies


Institutions conducting development project

17. National Institute of Post-Harvest Management
18. Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy
19. Hadabima Authority of Sri Lanka
20. Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute
21. Agriculture & Agrarian Insurance Board
22. Paddy Marketing Board
23. National Food Promotion Board




சமூக வலையமைப்பு

    கமத்தொழில், கால்நடை வளங்கள், காணி மற்றும் நீர்ப்பாசன அமைச்சு



இல. 80/5,

கொவி மந்திரய,


பத்தரமுல்லை, இலங்கை.

தொ/பே: +94-11-2034300




பதிப்புரிமை - 2019 

கமத்தொழில் அமைச்சு

சகல பதிப்புரிமைகளும் அமைச்சுக்குரியது 


 தீர்வு மூலம்