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This division contributes to improve efficiency and effectiveness of agriculture development project which are coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and implemented by its affiliated institutions through close supervision, monitoring and evaluation. 




  • Conducting progress review meetings at provincial, district and ministry level and follow-up activities.
  • Review progress of the institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture based on their performance.
  • Supervision of District Agriculture Committee meeting activities and follow up.
  • Handing, Supervision, progress reviewing and conducting post evaluation activities of agro village entrepreneurship development project.
  • Evaluation of projects based on efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
  • Coordination and supervision of the school lunch program and school fruit canteen program.
  • Conducting activities, related to Agricultural Emergency Information Monitoring unit, reporting and carrying out post evaluation activities to the relevant decision.
  • Performance of other duties assigned by the Secretary to the Ministry and reporting theme. 



කෘෂිකර්ම, පශු සම්පත්, ඉඩම් සහ වාරිමාර්ග අමාත්‍යාංශය



ගොවිජන මන්දිරය,

රජමල්වත්ත පටුමග,

බත්තරමුල්ල, ශ්‍රී ලංකාව.

දුරකථන : +94-11-2034300


ඊ- මේල් : info@agrimin.gov.lk

ප්‍රකාශන හිමිකම © 2019  කෘෂිකර්ම අමාත්‍යාංශය

සියලු හිමිකම් ඇවිරිණි

සැලසුම් නිර්මාණය