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Community Based Seed Production Village Programme

The Ministry of Agriculture is implementing new seed production programme named Community Based Seed Production Village Programme with the objective of providing quality seeds to farmers on time. This programme has been initiated utilizing the limited resources available at the Department of Agriculture through which it will be possible to provide quality seeds and planting materials in sufficient quantities to meet the country’s seed requirement locally.

Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agrarian Services and Wildlife, Ministry of Minor Export Promotion, Provincial Departments of Agriculture and all affiliated institution and sub units collectively contribute its share in the establishment of those villages. Every unit should select at least one village by organizing farmers for this purpose as a group.

Type of seed to be produced is selected by considering factors such as climate suitability and demand etc. Provision of seeds, issuing instructions and supervision of the programme will be the responsibility of  the respective institutions involved in setting up of those villages while the  certification of seed is done by the Department of Agriculture. If the production is in excess of the requirement, such villages are facilitated exchange same with other seed producing villages or sell them in the private sector. Accordingly this programme is used as profit earning agri-business for farmers.

Rs. 30 Million allocation already made to the Ministry for this purpose will be distributed among all provincial Ministries of Agriculture, HADABIMA Authority of Sri Lanka and the National food promotion Board. Accordingly the number of seed producing villages due to be established by the above institutions is 299. In addition an allocation of Rs. 20 Mn has been provided to the department of Agriculture for establishing 200 such villages. Accordingly the total number of seed producing villages to be established under this programme will be 499.

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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Lands and Irrigation



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