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Promotion Of Production And Use Of Organic Fertilizer

comComposting is the natural process of decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms under controlled conditions. Raw organic materials such as crop residues, animal wastes, green manures, aquatic plants, industrial wastes, city wastes, food garbage etc. enhance their suitability for application to the soil as a fertilizing resource, after having undergone composting. The end product of the process is compost or humus which, is of value in agriculture. In addition, compost could be considered as a value added product of organic materials, which has a high commercial value when compared to many other forms of organic materials.



Increase sustainable crop production, improvement of long-term soil fertility for better farmer livelihood, alleviating rural poverty and reduce foreign exchange drain on chemical fertilizer imports.



Long-term objectives:

  • Increase crop productivity.
  • Improve soil fertility.
  • Reduce chemical fertilizer imports.


Short-term objectives: 

  • Use of freely available organic materials in crop production.               
  • Identification and utilization of new sources of organic materials.
  • Generate organic materials such as green manure, animal manure etc.
  • Compost production using freely available organic waste materials such as urban waste, industrial waste, animal waste, domestic waste   etc.
  • Increase production of high quality organic fertilizer by introducing correct technologies.
  • Increase organic fertilizer production at different levels such as large, medium and small  scales.
  • Quality control of organic fertilizer production through implementing SLSI standards.
  • Generate more employment opportunities by promoting commercial organic fertilizer
  •  production.
  • Increase organic fertilizer marketing system.
  • Improvement of infrastructure facilities for commercial organic fertilizer production.
  • Set-up analytical service centers in every province to analyze organic fertilizer,
  •  chemical fertilizer, plant, soil and water samples.
  • Popularize IPNS technology.
  • Improve soil fertility and conserve agricultural lands in sustainable manner.
  • Increase the efficiency of chemical fertilizers by introducing IPNS technology.
  • Increase crop productivity by introducing correct soil fertility management practices as   well as by making adjustments to current nutrient management practices.
  • Increase farmer income for better livelihood and alleviating poverty.
  • Develop technology packages in relation to sustainable agriculture systems.
  • Minimize environmental pollution.



  • Conduct training and awareness programmes for different target groups aiming availability of organic manure/materials, their suitability for organic fertilizer (compost) production, beneficial effects of organic fertilizer use in crop production, efficient compost production, correct technologies in composting, quality compost production, IPNS technology, beneficial effect of organic materials use in crop production etc.
  • Collect freely available organic materials such as animal manure, crop residue, green manure, aquatic plants etc. for compost production.
  • Cultivate green manure crops.
  • Improve and establish diary farms to collect manure for compost production.
  • Produce compost at small, medium and large scales.
  • Encourage point separation of municipal solid waste.
  • Produce compost out of municipal solid waste, industrial waste etc.
  • Determine plant nutrient availability of different organic materials.
  • Characterize compost and upgrade according to the SLSI standards.
  • Formulate substitution levels of chemical fertilizers when organic manure and compost are used under different soil/crop combinations to cut down chemical fertilizer use.
  • Determine on farm soil fertility status and develop suitable integrated plant nutrition management packages.
  • Establish analytical service laboratories in different areas.
  • Promote organic manure and compost use in crop production.
  • Conduct awareness programme on precise soil and plant nutrition management systems.
  • Formulate IPNS policy for Sri Lanka.
  • Strengthen technologies in relation to IPNS.
  • Conduct on farm demonstration to popularize IPNS technology.
  • Develop technologies in relation to organic fertilizer production.
  • Develop suitable inoculums to accelerate the compost production.
  • Conduct mass media programmes on compost production and IPNS technology.
  • Strengthen marketing channels of compost.


  • Increase food crop production by 50%.
  • Increase farmer income by 50%.
  • Increase organic fertilizer production by 400%.
  • Increase use of organic manure and organic fertilizer by 100%
  • Cut down chemical fertilizer imports per year by 25%.
  • Save 25% expenditure on fertilizer imports.
  • Utilize waste materials and freely available organic manure for crop production.
  • Minimize environmental pollution by adopting correct waste management practices.
  • Production of quality compost according to the SLSI standards.
  • Minimize soil and water pollution by implementing IPNS technology.
  • Minimize soil degradation.
  • Improvement of long-term soil fertility.
  • Increase animal husbandry.




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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Lands and Irrigation



"Govijana Mandiraya",

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Battaramulla, Sri Lanka,

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