A brief description of the service offered by the project Name of the project - Smallholder Agribusiness and Resilience Project Implementing agency - Ministry of Agriculture, Lank Estimated Total Budget cost – USD 82 Mn Project Time period - From 2021 to 2027 Introduction Smallholder Agribusiness and Resilience Project (SARP), a six year pr... Read more...
The World Bank assesses the overall development progress of the Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP) and its effectiveness in delivering project development objectives. The World Bank Team headed by Mr. John. C. Keyser, Task Team Leader (TTL) of the CSIAP arrived in CSIAP’s head Office, Colombo yesterday morning (20... Read more...
විවිධ පාර්ශවයන්ගේ සහයෝගය ඇතිව නව නිපැයුම්කරුවන් සාර්ථක ව්යවසායකයින් බවට බල ගැන්වීමේ ව්යාපෘතිය - 2021 AGRO Programes THEAM Kolapotha Program Trailer Krushi Lowata Nawa Nipaum 1 Read more...
Project Documents Environment and Social Management Framework Download Resettlement Policy Framework Download Read more...
Project Documents Pest Management Plan Download Resettelement Policy Framework Downolad Environmental Assessment & Management Framework Download Recruitment of Project Staff ... Read more...
Background Sri Lanka’s agriculture is characterized by a non-plantation sectorand a plantation sector. Of the country’s approximately 2.3 million hectaresof agricultural land, 80 percent is used for non-plantation food crops, comprising rice, maize, fruits, vegetables and other crops that are 2 primarily grown on smallholder farms.... Read more...
Introduction Agriculture has to play a major role in the economy of the country while more attention is being paid on the cultivation of supplementary food crops. Accordingly the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing this programme island wide with the objective of achieving self sufficiency in supplementary food crops by 2016. In... Read more...
Objectives Making the Country self – sufficient in supplementay Food Crop production Achieve higher production in yala season Promote 3rd Season cultivation Production of Quality and improved seeds to meet local demand Crop Districts Financial allocation (Rs.Mn.) Expected yield (Mt) Dry Chilli All districs 45.... Read more...
Objectives To Utilize the entire area of all government farms To provide necessary infrastructure facilities to all farms To increase the productivity of 10 farms Strategies Identification of Under utilized area of each farm Cultivate suitable crops utilizing entire field area Supplying infrastructure facilities like roads, irrig... Read more...
Introduction The project aims to increase farm productivity, raise farms’ income and improve the lives of rural farmer families living in the dry zones of Sri Lanka. The project have been implemented in year 2005 and had provided 5,000 Solar-powered drip irrigation units to small farmers at the mid of the year 2007. ... Read more...
Composting is the natural process of decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms under controlled conditions. Raw organic materials such as crop residues, animal wastes, green manures, aquatic plants, industrial wastes, city wastes, food garbage etc. enhance their suitability for application to the soil as a fertilizing resource, after hav... Read more...
It is expected to establish Model Villages as a mechanism to disseminate research out comes generated by institutions involved in Agriculture among the farmer community through which it has been possible to find solution to their various agriculture-related problems. The objective of this novel concept is to demonstrate new technologies from crop ... Read more...
This programme has been initiated since 1971 with the objective of increasing local food production. The target group is low income earning farmers. Since then agricultural machinery and equipment are provided annually to Sri Lanka under 2KR grant package. However on a decision taken by the Gover... Read more...
The Ministry of Agriculture is implementing new seed production programme named Community Based Seed Production Village Programme with the objective of providing quality seeds to farmers on time. This programme has been initiated utilizing the limited resources available at the Department of Agriculture through which it will be possible to provide ... Read more...
It has been established that the big onion seed production that had hither to seen limited to the Matale District could be extended to Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa Districts as well. Accordingly this programme is now being implemented in Anuradhapura, Matale, Kurunegala and Polonnaruwa Districts. Where as big onion seed productions are done in Maha... Read more...