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Agri Development


Implementing programs to increase local food production with the objective of achieving food security in the local production

and minimizing food import expenditure in order to achieve the role of the Ministry of Agriculture in

the creation of a self-sufficient country through agricultural revival.

Responsibilities and duties
·         Allocation of funds for prioritized development projects under the annual budget estimates for the identified 
projects according to the policy.
·         Implementation of selected projects through institutions and their preview of Ministry of Agriculture, District Secretariats and 
Provincial Councils.
·          Formulation and implementation of the necessary standards for agricultural development.
·         Provide short term and long term solutions to the problems arisen in the field of agriculture at present.
·      Formulation of the convenient institutional background to construct an efficient and productive agricultural industry through coordination 
       with the relevant public sector, provincial and private institutions in the fields of agriculture.

 Operational programs

The development division will provide grants and program activities in the year 2018 are as follows.

Projects of the Development Division


·         Promotion of urban and peri urban home gardens
·         Introduce new agriculture technology to school children 
·         Getting the contribution of underutilized lands in religious premises for production
·         Establishment of fruit plants in religious places of Polonnaruwa district
·         5 School green house construction programme
·         Urban agriculture.
·         Productive retirement
·         E – Agriculture.
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Projects Implemented by the Department of Agriculture


·         Promotion of  3rd and 4th season cultivation of green gram & cowpea 
·         Improve women entrepreneurship while improving nutrition status of people 
·         Productivity improvement of paddy cultivation
·         Establishment of community seed banks to increase the availability of quality seeds of popular traditional rice cultivars and 
planting materials of traditional tuber crops
·         Production & productivity improvement of Maize
·         Production and Productivity Improvements of Soya Bean
·         Production & productivity enhancement of Groundnut
·         National Chilli Development program
·         Potato Production Drive
·         Agriculture Promotion Programme
·         Inter - cropping in coconut lands
·         Empowering young farmer entrepreneurs
·         Improve women entrepreneurship while popularizing mushroom cultivation
·         Construction of automated protected houses for the enhancement of high value vegetable  production with young 
entrepreneurs under renting facility
·         Developing climate change resilient village-tank farming system model
·         Crop productivity improvement under existing agro wells & introduction of climate smart agriculture
·         Demonstration program on "Cluster Entrepreneurship for Fruit Production"

             pdf set  Download

Projects by the Institute of Post Harvest Technology
·     Improvement of supply and value chain management practices of mango in Sri Lanka
·         Management of Supply and Value chain of agricultural produce in Sri Lanka
·     Improvement of supply and value chain management practices of banana in Sri Lanka.
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Projects by the National Food Promotion Board

      · Soy Incorporated Functional Foods

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Staff Members: -


  1.      Additional Secretary (Development)            - Mr. I U Mendis
  2.      Director (Development)                                - Mrs. Champika D Dharmasena
  3.      Assistant Director (Development 1)             - Mr. E M S Ekanayaka
  4.      Assistant Director (Development 11)           - 
  5.      Development Officer                                    - Mrs. S D Kusum Sriyani
  6.      Development Officer                                    - Mrs. K C Ruwani
  7.      Development Officer                                    - Mrs. T S Dankumbura
  8.      Development Officer                                    - Mrs. P A S P Pathiraja
  9.      Development Officer                                    - Mrs. S D Rambukpitiya
10.     Development Officer                                     - Mr. Shameera Anuruddha Mahawaththage
11.     Development Officer                                     - Mss. G Kaumadi
12.     Management Assistant                                  - Mss. W D M Kumari
13.    Office work Assistant                                    - Mr. Chandrasiri
14.    Office work Assistant                                    - Mss. Nipuni


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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Lands and Irrigation



"Govijana Mandiraya",

Rajamalwatta Lane,

Battaramulla, Sri Lanka,

Tel: +94-11-2034300


E-mail: info@agrimin.gov.lk

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